Minimalist Chocolate


Creative Direction

Set Design/ Styling

Still Life Photography

Stop Frame Animation

eCommerce Photography


Truth Coffee Roasting

We all like a good origin story

The Romantic version of how Minimalist came to make guilt-free chocolate that doesn’t need sweeteners to taste good, be they natural or made in a science experiment?

Picture it, Sicily 19… well no, that would have been a romantic start. More like 2020, knee deep into the upheaval we in the production and hospitality industry know fondly as the COVID19. In the absence of luxury, creativity was born; Minimalist Chocolate was the brain child.

As with everything that the Truth team does, they do it without fear (and a healthy sprinkle of attention to detail). You know what they say; 'Fortune favours the bold.'

Together we developed a creative visual direction that hasn't before been seen.  With this we honed in on the concept of colour and contrast. Stripping everything nonessential away from the visuals. True to the spirit of the brand.

They wanted to invest time and care into the creation of product and packaging hero shots so as to elevate the eCommerce experience and match the level of quality imparted into the materials and experience of the packaging and product design. 

Using Format